The Ellsworth City Council this week discussed the current difficulties with the EJS Police Board, including but not limited to the recent request that the city of Jewell be allowed three votes to Ellsworth’s two and Stanhope’s two as well as the recent resignation of EJS Police Chief David Turpen. Ellsworth mayor Dolorus Yager serves on the EJS Police Board. Yager reached out to Hamilton County Sheriff Alex Pruismann to inquire on a potential arrangement for additional services. Sheriff Pruismann addressed the council and offered to answer any questions. He clarified that the Sheriff’s Department was not present to try and replace EJS but to provide additional information to the Council and the citizens of Ellsworth. Councilwoman Ladana Sogard began with asking Sheriff Pruismann how he could see the arrangement working. Sheriff Pruismann mentioned Ellsworth’s current $14 per capita 28E agreement and then stated for $20 per capita an arrangement similar to the towns of Blairsburg, Williams and Stratford to be an option which would include additional patrols through the town. The Sheriff’s Department requires deputies to spend an amount of time in each town in the county when they are on duty. Pruismann mention he plans to do end of year reporting to each town on how many hours were spent and how many calls the department responded to . He further stated that there is no way to be able to predict specific hours or locations extra patrol was requested by the city as part of a new of different 28E agreement that could be written into the contract. After considerable discussion the Ellsworth City Council announced plans to host a Town Hall meeting on Sunday afternoon,April 27th at 2:00 p.m. on future law enforcement services in Ellsworth. There will be information on the meeting in the coming weeks.
Ellsworth city council member Ladana Sogard made inquiries to the Iowa DOT on a flashing light bus stop on Highway 175 was not necessary due to the area meeting minimum line of sight requirements for no sign being necessary. The Iowa DOT did mention the no passing zone could be extended in front of the day care location on 175 and they would approve and erect a speed awareness sign in the area both westbound and eastbound. The council discussed all options and asked if the Public Works Supervisor could reach out to the DOT for the cost of the city purchasing a flashing light bus stop sign and to have the city employees do the installation work.
A weather siren quote by Abbott Electric for $5,560 was approved by the Ellsworth City Council. The request for the ECA group to host an Ice Cream Social event on August 2nd at the Ellsworth Park Shelter from 3:00 until 9:00 p.m. was approved by the council