Hamilton County Supervisors set an evening public hearing for the county budget and property tax levy.

Hamilton County residents are advised of the public hearing for both the 2026 Fiscal Year  county budget and the property tax levy for 2026. The Hamilton County Supervisors set Tuesday evening, April 22nd at 6:00 p..m. for both hearings to be held in the downstairs conference room of the Hamilton County Courthouse. The announcement was made the Tuesday morning meeting of the supervisors. Both county supervisors Mary Clausen and April Ely set the date. Hamilton County Supervisor chairman Rick Young was absent from the meeting. On Monday morning, the Hamilton County Supervisors heard the concerns of residents on the property tax levy that is being proposed for the next fiscal year. Citizens are advised to attend the public hearing April 22nd to share their concerns with the board.

The Hamilton County Supervisors accepted the Fiscal Year 2026 Secondary Road DOT Budget and County Five Year Plan. Hamilton County engineer Ryan Weidemann said that the DOT Budget will include a projected revenue of over $6.9 million with projected expenditures at over $7.5 million. Local property taxes make up 34 percent of the secondary road funds for Hamilton County. The projected levy for secondary road maintenance will remain the same $2.61 per thousand. The Hamilton County Five Year construction plan will feature 22 projects including bridge repair and road resurfacing in Hamilton County.

A 28-E agreement was approved between Hamilton and Webster Counties for the county attorney’s office to share an assistant county attorney due to the recent resignation of the assistant Hamilton County attorney. A parking lot lease agreement with Iowa Specialty Hospital for the use of six parking spaces in the Health and Human Services office near the Webster City Iowa Specialty Clinic was approved by the supervisors. The establishment of a special revenue fund for Hamilton County EMS was approved by the supervisors Tuesday morning.