Busy start of the week for the Hamilton County Supervisors next week.

A busy start to the week for Hamilton County Supervisors with two meetings in the downstairs conference room of the Hamilton County Courthouse. There will be a public hearing on the proposed property tax in Hamilton County set for Monday morning, March 24th at 9:00 a.m. There will be a time for questions, comments and concerns from those attending the meeting.

The regular meeting of the board will be on Tuesday morning,March 25th at 9:00. The board will consider a resolution to establish a special revenue fund. A parking lot lease agreement will be considered. The board will review the 28E agreement with the County Attorney. The 2026 fiscal year Secondary Roads DOT budget and county five-year program will be reviewed. The date and time of the 2025 fiscal year budget hearing will be set at Tuesday’s meeting followed by board and committee reports and other county information.

Both of the meetings this Monday and Tuesday will be audio streamed live on the Hamilton County website at www.hamiltoncounty.iowa.gov