Stanhope City Council faces wide range of issues at its March meeting.

At a recent meeting the Stanhope City Council learned that Electric Pump of Des Moines submitted an estimate for $54,255 to repair and install the communicator and control panel for the alarm system at the Stanhope Water Plant and Water Tower. The first payment will be due in June and the second payment will be due in December. Splitting the cost between two budget years will help the cash flow for Stanhope.All agreed this is not an issue that can wait any longer. The Stanhope City Council approved the agreement with Electric Pump for the necessary work. There was a discussion of Stanhope’s garbage contract to expire this year. All bids are due by May 7th at 4:00 p.m. A decision will be made by the council on their selection at their meeting this spring.

The Stanhope City Council received two generator bids for the city’s lift station. The council approved a generator with Harves Electric to install a 24KW Generac generator. The total price of installation will be at $11,471.57. Crews from Harvest Electric will be starting as soon as they can weather permitting. It was determined that the current generator runs off PTO and the tractor used for the generator was sold by previous council. In case there is a power outage, the lift station would not be operational.

In another matter, the Stanhope City Council approved the hiring of Mark Gansen as summer T-Ball coach  and Landon Sogard as Summer Recreational Director for this year.

Shelly Codner with Iowa Waste Exchange spoke with the Stanhope City Council about the services they provide and the many ways they can be of assistance to Stanhope’s nuisance buildings. Codner informed the city council the participants can obtain low cost on materials, reduce disposal costs, reduce material costs, generate revenue from waste materials, free up storage space and help divert waste from the landfill. This is a premiere material exchange program. The Stanhope City Council will look into this program as Stanhope has a few buildings in need.

The Stanhope City Council learned that the Police board accepted the resignation of EJS Chief Dave Turpen earlier this month. The council thanked Turpen for his time as police chief. Stanhope mayor Kelly Wirtz  said the police chief position will be advertised and filled in the future.