The Webster City City Council will face a light agenda at this Monday evening’s meeting in the council chambers beginning at 6 p.m. The agenda includes a resolution authorizing the Street Department Supervisor to seek bids for On-Call Sanitary and Storm Sewer Cleaning and Televising Services and Authorize the City Manager to sign and execute an Agreement with Lowest Responsible Bidder who meets the requirements. A resolution approving the Preliminary Plat and Site Plan for Wilson Estates Planned Residential Development located on Wall Street in Webster City by Kading Development. The council will set Monday,April 21st at 6:05 p.m. to approve the solicitation of bids and the public hearing for the construction of Electric Distribution Improvements-Phase 1. There will be updates by Webster City City Manager John Harrenstein and mayor John Hawkins plus other matters that may come before the council on Monday evening.