Jewell City Council look at various matters at March 10th meeting.

The Jewell City Council on March 10th met with its Public Works Direct Terry Anderson on the possibility of receiving an intern again this year for his department through IWEA. The council agreed with Anderson’s recommendation. Anderson also reviewed the information he obtained from Jeremy Butrick regarding GIS mapping. Anderson would like to begin making a digital copy of shut offs and water main locations. A GIS locator could cost between $5,000 and $7,000. The Jewell City Council asked that Anderson bring an exact quote for the locator to the next meeting. Anderson also made mention that he would like to plan each budget year for the replacement of one block of water main.

The Jewell City Council approved the closure of King Street from Main Street to the alley for the Jewell Farmer’s Market. The market will be held every Saturday from June 7th to September 27th. The street will be closed from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. during those days.

Jewell is the latest Hamilton County community to participate in the Hamilton County Growth Partnership program. The city council gave its support of the partnership.Council member Aaron Boor will continue to attend the monthly meetings.

The Jewell City Budget was reviewed and in order to balance the budget the Council decided to hold off on completing the watermain loop on East Lane, a $42,000 project. The Council also agreed to scale back the amount they were planning to use to repair Waterworks Park from $35,000 to $15,000 for this upcoming fiscal year.

Dates for the Jewell Clean Up Day and Garage Sale will be determined at the next  City Council meeting on March 24th.

The Council agreed that they desired the restoration of Waterworks Park to be both long lasting and low maintenance. The Jewell Park Board will get measurements and continue to solidify a plan for the space.

In another matter, the Jewell City Council approved signing the engagement letter with Speer Financial of Waterloo for the upcoming sewer lagoon project in the community.