Enhance Hamilton County Foundation seeks feedback from local nonprofits and organizations to improve grant program

The Enhance Hamilton County Foundation (EHCF) is reaching out to local nonprofits, organizations, and committees to participate in a brief survey aimed at improving its grant program to better meet the needs of those applying for funding. The Foundation is committed to supporting organizations throughout Hamilton County and wants to ensure its grant program is addressing the most critical needs in the community.

“We are always looking for ways to improve and better support the organizations that make Hamilton County a great place,” said Darcy Swon, Development Director of the Enhance Hamilton County Foundation. “This survey will help us understand where there are needs and how we can make changes to ensure our grants are as impactful as possible.”

The survey is open to all 501c3, government entities, educational institutions, faith-based organizations and volunteer committees in Hamilton County and can be accessed by going to EHCF website (enhancehamiltoncounty.org) and is open through the end of March.

“We believe that by listening to the organizations we serve, we can refine our approach and make sure that our grants are truly supporting the community in meaningful ways,” Swon added.

For more information or questions about the survey, please contact Darcy Swon at 515-835-0437 or via email at dswon@enhancehamiltoncounty.org.