Williams and Company released an audit report for the year ended June 30,2024 on the City of Webster City. In the report Williams & Company recommended that the financial reporting function be monitored to eliminate for auditor adjustments. City officials agreed with the auditor’s recommendations are continuing the necessary reviews. Williams and Company reported that the Webster City General Fund revenues totaled $5,556,499 for the year ended June 30,2024, a 53.71 percent increase from 2023. The revenues included $2,290,556 in local taxes, $141,131 in licenses and permits and $475,271 in charges for services. General Fund disbursements for the year totaled $6,670,827, a 43.53 percent increase from the prior year which included $3,653,763 for Public Safety, and $630, 240 for Public Works and $1,410,570 for Culture and Recreation. The City of Webster City ended the fiscal year with a General Fund Balance of $3,878,857. A copy of the audit report including the audit findings, in any, is available for review on the Auditor of State’s website .