There was a lengthy discussion at this week’s Stratford City Council meeting concerning the request for three phase power at the shop that Keith Leeds will be building this spring on his property at 609 Teneyck Avenue. The cost of three phase power is roughly $8,742 with $4,542 for the three phase bank and $4,420 for labor for Midland Power to bring in the trucks to hang the transformers. The council also discussed the moving of a utility pole and underground service to the pole that feeds two other homes. Council members decided to approach the utility pole and underground at a later time. After much discussion the council voted to approve the three phase power request by Keith Leeds for his shop project this spring.
Ottie Maxey of the Ames Regional Economic Alliance met with the council to introduce himself and the organization. Maxey explained that the Alliance was hired by the Hamilton County Supervisors to help with economic development around Hamilton County, They are striving to have a member from each town in the county be part of the board. The council will review the request at a future meeting.
Stratford City Council members set Monday,March 31st for a public hearing for the Property Tax Levy and approved the 2026 Fiscal Year Budget. The council members set March 10,2025 for the Capital Improvement Plan for Fiscal Year 2026.
In another matter, the council discussed a letter received from Jr Ubben’s Attorney Goodwin Law offices on the Dryden drainage issue. City Manager Kim Leeds also explained that the City has reached out to Ryan Kehm, an attorney that was suggested by both Hamilton and Webster counties to help the City of Statford with the drainage issue. City Manager Leeds updated the council on the process by Bolton and Menk,Incorporated on the Dryden Street drainage issue. Bolton and Menk officials met with Jr Ubben last week to review the work that had been done and get the maps he had put together. This week they will be developing the model to be able to evaluate the drainage. Bolton and Menk’s intention is to have a report available to the council for the regular meeting on March 10th.
Stratford City Council members approved authorizing the City of Stratford Water and Electric businesses to pay $100 each in dues to be members of the Stratford Community Development Corporation. The council discussed the position of a Maintenance/Public Works staff member. It was decided to post a part time position considering 15 to 20 hours per work week for the City of Stratford. The City Manager was asked to look into the Des Moines Area Community College in Ankeny to see if they have an intern in the program that would be available.