Ottie Maxey of the Ames Regional Economic Alliance will meet with the Stratford City Council at their next meeting this Monday evening, February 10th. Maxey will present information on the alliance and its work. The council will consider a request from Keith Leeds for three phase power located at 609 Teneyck Avenue. The date of Monday.March 31st will be set for a public hearing on Stratford’s Property Tax Levy. There will be the consideration of the Capital Improvement Plan for Stratford with setting a hearing date for the March 10th council meeting. The other issues facing the Stratford City Council this Monday will be an update on Bolton and Menk on the drainage issue on Dryden Street in Stratford. The council will authorize the City of Stratford Water and Electric businesses paying $100 each in dues to be members of the Stratford Community Development Corporation. Thoughts of sunmmer will be looked at by the Stratford City Council when plans to advertise for and hiring the 2025 Stratford Pool staff and apporval of the pool policy manual for 2025. The position for a maintenance and public works job in Stratford will be discussed along with a review ordinances and other matters this Monday evening.