Webster City experiences a dry and mild month for January weather.

Dry and  mild can best describe the weather in Webster City for the month of January. The weather records and the Radio Hill weather reporting station for the month showed the average high at  29 degrees with the average low at 4 above zero. The normal high for January is 26 degrees in the Webster City area.The warmest day for January was last Thursday afternoon on January 30th at 61 degrees. This was a new record high for January 30th breaking the old record of 59 degrees set in 2012. Webster City tied a record of 58 degrees set on January 28th. This was the same temperature reading set on the same date (January 28th) in the years 1919 and 1931. The coldest temperature for Webster City was a low of 15 degrees below zero on the morning of  January 21st.  There were 8 mornings in January was at 0 or below zero for the low temperature.

As for precipitation, it was a dry month with only 2 inches of snowfall plus 0.18 hundredths of an inch of rain measured in Webster City.

The National Weather Service outlook for Iowa for the month of February indicates equal chances for temperatures statewide but equal chances of precipitation for the western part of Iowa and near above normal for the eastern half of Iowa. Last February the average high for Webster City was 24 degrees and the average low of 11 degrees reported. It was dry in February last year with only a half inch of snow and 0.08 hundredths of an inch rain. KQWC-KZWC Radio is the official observer for the National Weather Service in Webster City.