The first meeting of February for the Webster City City Concil is set for this Monday evening,February 3rd. The highlights on the agenda will be a presentation by Williams and Company P.C. on the Audit for the City of Webster City for the 2023-24 year, There will be a public hearing on the designation of the 2025 Webster City Housing Urban Renewal Area and on the Urban Renewal Plan and Project. The council will set February 17 at 6:05 P.M. for a meeting to approve a development agreement with Wilson Estates,LLC including the Annual Appropriation Tax Increment Payments. A resolution accepting the permanent and temporary easement agreement from the owners of Propert-Kendra K. Chizek and Zachary S. Chizek will be discussed. Another resolution to be discussed is to accept and approve the final plat and offer of dedication of the Lynx Development in Webster City,Iowa.
In other matters, the Webster City City Council will authorize the Street Department Supervisor to seek bids and proceed with the lowest bidder for concrete crushing. An Industrial Sewer User Wastewater Services Agreement between Webster City and Webster City Custom Meats,Incoporated will be discussed.
Prior to the council session, the annual meeting of Fair Housing Board will be held. There will be the election of a chairperson adn vice-chairperson and other matters that may come before the board.
Monday’s meeting of the Webster City City Council will be video streamed live on the Webster City Facebook page.