A quote from Peterson Flooring of Story City for the installation of new carpeting at the Ellsworth City Hall was one of the topics of this week’s meeting of the Ellsworth City Council. The bid was for $7351.92 with the installation work to begin in the next few weeks.
Work on the new watertower was another topic for the council members.Ellsworth City Clerk Heidi Eckers said there will be an upcoming meeting with the engineers for the project, the financial advisor, bond attorney and Ames Alliance representative. Eckers discussed with the council the initial water rate study done by UMB Bank of Des Moines, The rate study was based on a 20 year SRF loan whereas the project is more than likely being fund by a USDA 40 year loan. The firm will rework the proposed rate increases and communicate directly with the city’s bond attorney for Ordinance drafting. Eckers will keep the council updated on the project.
A decision was made last week on January 21st by the Ellsworth Planning and Zoning Board to move forward with the proposed rezoning on the corner of Highway 175 and Ubben Avenue contingent upon a developler’s agreement between the City of Ellsworth and Dollar General Corporation. Chief Eckers has spoken with Scholotfeldt Engineering of Webster City to pursue an initial draft of a developers agreement and discuss a traffic study through the Iowa DOT for that intersection. The Ellsworth city council will be updated on the developer’s agreement and to discuss a traffic study through the DOT for that intersection. .
In another matter, the Ellsworth City Council approved the purchase of a GMC Sierra 2500 HD Pro Double Cab truck through Karl Chevrolet of Webster City in the amount of $58,425. The new truck would be used in the Ellsworth Public Works Department.