Hamilton County Board of Supervisors to meet Tuesday,January 28th.

The Hamilton County Board of Supervisors’ next meeting will be Tuesday morning, January 28 at 9:00 a.m. in the downstairs conference room of the courthouse in Webster City. Tuesday’s meeting will include the consideration of a retail alcohol license and Setpoint mechanical maintenance and service agreement. A resolution for the approval of future incremental property tax revenues for the City of Webster City will be on the agenda. Other resolutions for a bank authorization for a K9 and Liberty Township accounts will be discussed. The assignment of a tax sale certificate will be on Tuesday’s agenda. There will be updates by supervisors Mary Clausen, April Ely and Rick Young along with board and committee updates plus other matters. Tuesday’s meeting of the Hamilton County Board of Supervisiors will be audio streamed live on the Hamilton County Supervisor website at www.hamiltoncounty.org