This Monday,January 20th will be observed as Dr. Martin Luther King,Jr. Day. It’s a day to honor the memory of the civil rights leader. There will be some closings of note this Monday. The Hamilton County Courthouse and all county offices will be closed along with the Hamilton County Clerk of Court office. The Farm Service Agency office will also be closed this Monday. The Hamilton County ISU Extension and Outreach office is closed this Monday. All financial institutions will be closed for the day.. You will not be getting your mail this Monday as there will be no city or rural delivery of mail. All area post offices will be closed. The Webster City post office box lobby will be open for the benefit of box holders but the customer service window will be closed. If you need a postage stamp, you can stop by the convenience or grocery store to purchase one. Mail service will resume on Tuesday.The Webster City City Hall WILL BE open on Monday and there will be a city council meeting Monday evening at 6:00 p.m. in the city council chambers.