A busy Monday evening for the Stratford City Council on January 13th.

The Stratford City Council will face a busy agenda at its Monday evening meeting at the Stratford City Hall.. There will be a budget work session set for 6:30 p.m. The meeting will include work on the 2026 fiscal year budget and Capital Improvement Plan. The council meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. Catherine Bergman will be selected as Stratford Mayor Pro-Tem as appointed by the Mayor and authorize her to sign checks in the Mayor’s absence. The council will approve numerous appointments to city and county boards and commissions at the meeting. A professional services agreement with Bolton and Menk to complete a review of drainage concerns for the area north of Dryden Street being tiled and connected to the City Storm Sewer System not to exceed $8000. Budget requests for the Stratford Library, Fire and Rescue Departments will be reviewed by the council. A discussion on driveway regulations, approving the posting of a maintenance/public works position will be held this evening. The Stratford City Council will discuss the plans on the resurfacing project on Hamilton County Road R-21 this year plus other matters.