Normal temperatures and below normal precipitation define Webster City’s weather for August.

Normal temperatures but below normal precipitation define Webster City’s weather for August. The average high for Webster City last month was 80 degrees with the average low at 58 degrees.. Normal high for August is 80 degrees. The hottest day for August was last Monday,August 26 with a high of 93 degrees. It was also the warmest day so far in 2024 in Webster City. The lowest temperature for the month was 46 degrees set the morning of August 10th.
Rainfall for the month in Webster City was 2.42 inches. Normal rainfall is at 4.30 inches. There was no reports of any severe weather for the past month.
The National Weather Service outlook for September in Iowa indicates the month will bring above normal temperatures and below normal precipitation. There is a map on our KQWC Facebook page showing the nation’s weather for the new month which was posted Saturday so scroll down and check it out. Last September in Webster City the average high was 78 degrees and the average low temperature was at 51 degrees. There was 2.89 inches of rainfall in September,2023. KQWC-KZWC Radio is Webster City’s official observer for the National Weather Service.