Five Hamilton County farm families honored with Centrury Farm award during the Iowa State Fair.

Five Hamilton County farm families were recognized during the recent Iowa State Fair with Century Farm honors for 2024. The recognition is sponsored by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation.The Century Farm program celebrates farms that have been owned by the same families for 100 years. The Hamilton County honorees are Nick and Cindy Fonken of Kamrar. The farm dates its origin to 1909.
Donna Hillyer Foster of Webster City with their farm dating its origin to 1924.
Evelyn Holmstron of Jewell with the origin of their farm dating to 1920.
Lavon A. Marshall of Williams with the origin of the farm going back to 1900.
O’Connor Farm Company of Duncombe with the origin starting in 1908.
This year, the Iowa Farm Bureau Foundation and Iowa Department of Agriculture honored 439 farm families across Iowa with Century or Heritage Farm designations at the Iowa State Fair. The Heritage Farm program recognizes those families that have owned the same farm in their name for 150 years. There were no Heritage Farm honorees in Hamilton County.