Normal temperatures and below normal precipitation describe Webster City’s weather for April,2023.

Normal temperatures and below normal precipitation can best describe Webster City’s weather for April. Weather records at the KQWC-KZWC Radio Hill weather reporting station for the month just ended showed the average high at 61 degrees and the average low at 32 degrees. The warmest day for April was 85 degrees on April 12 with the lowest recorded temperature being 19 degrees on the morning of April 6. As for precpitation we ended April with 1.64 inches with 2 inches of snowfall. The normal high for April is at 61 degrees and normal rainfall for the month is 3.86 inches.
The National Weather Service outlook for Iowa for May indicates the month will bring with it equal chances for temperatures but below normal precipitation. Last May in Webster City the average high was at 70 degrees, the average low at 47 and a total of 3.77 inches of rainfall was measured. KQWC KZWC Radio is the official observer for Webster City for the National Weather Service.