Webster City Police late Wednesday night apprehended a Webster City man after an incident in the community shortly before 10 p.m. 19 year old Jose Rayon Salgado was charged by local officers with Driving While License Under Suspension,First Degree Burglary and Going Armed With Intent. Reportedly a 2008 Honda CR-V operated by Salgado was attempting to flee the scene of a reported burglary. The Salgado car sped away from Webster City Police officers in reverse traveling eastbound in the alley between First and Second Streets in the 1000 block. The car backed into a phone box, a fence and utility pole before turning around and driving forward eastbound through the alley. As the Salgado car exited the alley onto Grove Street it attempted to turn South onto Grove Street when it lost control and struck a parked 2007 model GMC Sierra pickup truck with the owner not immediately known. The Salgado car then became stuck in a snow bank. Salgado was then taken into police custody without injury. Investigating officer Clint Houge reported $10,000 in damage to the car Salgado was driving with $1000 in damage to the parked pickup.There was also $500 in damage to a phone box, damage to a city owned utility pole and an estimated $500 in damage to a fence at the Patrick Croy residence. Salgado made an appearance in Hamilton County Magistrate Court Thursday morning. Iowa Courtts Online stated the Salgado was being held on a $25,000 bond for the charges of First Degree Burglary and Going Armed With Intent.