Above normal temperatures and below normal precipitation can best define Webster City’s weather for the month of May. The average high for last month was at 70 degrees with the average low at 47 degrees. Webster City’s warmest day for the month was 91 degrees set on May 12. It tied the record of 91 degrees set on May 12,1915. Another record high temperature in May was 89 degrees set on May 11. The previous record that day was 88 degrees set on May 11,1911 and again in 1949. The lowest recorded temperature for the month was on May 4 with a 32 degree temperature reading.
Normal high for Webster City in May is at 61 degrees.
As for rainfall,we ended up with 3.77 inches. Normal rainfall amount for May is at 4.06.
The National Weather Service outlook for Iowa for June indicates it could be a month of below normal temperatures and equal chances for precipitation in the state. Last June in Webster City, the average high was 85 degrees and the average lowa was 58. There was 1.76 inches of rainfall measured in June,2021. KQWC-KZWC Radio is the official observer for the National Weather Service in Webster City.