Stratford city council accepts resignation from council member and look at plant to open the outdoor pool desite shortage of lifeguards.

A letter of resignation from Stratford city council member Chase Haman was accepted by the council at their meeting this week. The council approved Jim Mead as mayor pro-tem and was authorized to sign checks in the mayor’s absence. The date of May 9 was set for two public hearings at Stratford city hall. One of them is to amend the budget for the 2022 fiscal year. The other is to enter into a General Obligation Water Improvement Loan agreement and to borrow money thereunder in a principal amount not to exceed $400,000.
The council also approved the Stratford Elementary Booster Club donation request for the May 14 fund raiser carnvial. A quote for $1,014 from Electronic Engineering for a storm siren to be installed was approved. The Stratford city council approved the purchase of two frisbee golf holes for the city park .
Stratford city manager Kim Leeds reported that the city currently has not hired enough lifeguards to keep the outdoor swimming pool running at normal operation hours for the 2022 season. The city council will have to access the situation for the pool at the May 9th council meeting and at that time make a decision on pool hours and availability for this summer.