Stratford City Council faces busy agenda at their meeting.

A review of the water main improvement project in Stratford  was one of the highlights of this week’s meeting of the Stratford city council. Jim Leiding of the Bolton and Menk engineering firm went over the work to begin in a few months. The engineer’s opinion of probable costs for the project is at $315,830 . Leiding told the council the project will consist of replacing the watermain  along Avon Street from North Street to Dryden Street and on Dryden Street from Avon Street to Bryon Street using trenched construction. The proect includes the installation of six inch watermains, four inch hydrants, four -four inch gate valves, one six inch gate valve and tapping valve assemblies at various locations. Residents  living along these lines will be hooked into the new water main. The council approved to move forward with the construction plans for the watermain improvement project presented by Bolton and Menk with the bid letting set for March 8 at 2:00 p.m.

Hamilton County Supervisor chairman Rick Young spoke before the Stratford city council on the drainage assessment and Dilapidated Housing Grant. Young presented to the council an invoice from Bolton and Menk for $35,606.50 for engineering expenses related to the drainage assessment  on Dryden Street and explained the entity that requested the survey is responsible for payment. Young also presented a flyer and explained the Dilapidated Housing Grant Program that Hamilton County has available.

A lengthy discussion  was held by the Stratford city council on the 2022 pool season. The council agreet that closing at 7:00 p.m. would help with the strain on staffing. The council. also agreed to increase wages to help with staffing. The council went on to approve the Pool Policy Manual for the 2022 pool season with an increase in single passes from $50 to $55 and an increase in family passes from $95 to $100. The pool will open sometime in early June.

In other matters, the Stratford city council accepted the resignation of Tanner Jensen as city maintenance supervisor and project manager assistant. The resignation will take effect on March 1,2022. The council approved adverising for the position with the deadline for applications on March 4,2022.

A short discussion regarding the starting a storm water utility for Stratford. Council members directed the city manager to look  into starting a storm water utility.

In other matters, the Stratford city council  approved a 28 E agreement with the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department for law enforcement increasing from $10.00 per capita to $14.00 per capta  with a total of $9,898 per year. An electric pump three year maintenance service agreement  for pump service for the water plant, the big lift station and the small lift station. The council set March 14 for the public hearing on the Stratfor Capitl Improvement Plan.. Budget requests from the Stratford Public Library and the Fire and Rescue Departments for next  fiscal year  were approved for the 2022-23 fiscal year.