The South Hamilton Education Association presented their initial proposal for a one year contract for the 2022-23 school year during their Monday night meeting in Jewell. The association is proposing adding $750 to the base of salary schedule. The association proposes both aging the salary schedule and advancing teachers horizontally if they have completed graduate work in the past year. Another proposal is to waive the first two snow days of the school year so as to reduce costs to the district and keep a concise end to the calendar year. The association proposed combining personal sick leave and family sick leave into one bank of days so that employees may use the time as needed. As for prep coverage, the association is recommending using the average per diem/hourly rate for teachers who are asked to cover another class during their prep period. The median salary for South Hamilton teachers is currently $55,233 so the hourly rate for 191 contract days is approximately $36. The education association represents the teaching staff in the South Hamilton school district. The South Hamilton school board proposed a $100 increase to the hiring base and progression of the salary schedule of one step. The board also intends to examine potential changes to the district’s insurance program. Association members and the board will meet in closed session in the coming weeks to work out a new agreement for next school year.
The South Hamilton school board approved its calendar for 2022-23. The first day of classes will be Tuesday,August 23 with the final day of school barring any snow days to be on May 25,2023.
There was a discussion about the school budget for 2022-23 at the board meeting. The South Hamilton district will not be able to levy for cash reserves for the 2023 fiscal year which will result in a property tax decrease. The board discussed recommendations for adjustments in tax rates for the draft of the 2023 budget. Areas covered includ the Instructional Support Levy Income Surtax Rates, Management Fund Levy and the Public Education and Recreation Levy.
In other matters, the South Hamilton board approved using the request for proposal process for competitive sealed bids for elementary roof repair work due to wind damage from the December 15th,2021 derecho as paid by insurance. The board approved the starting of the new Iowa Family Career, and Community Leaders of America. There was the approval of an online garage sale of old cafeteria tablesw for $10 per table on a first come first served basis. In personnel matters, the South Hamilton board accepted the resignation of Carol Soma from the food service department and the hiring of Danielle Harris as an elementary school counselor, Mike Ebert as a social studies teacher, Kacie Hesse as a fourth grade teacher and Kara Sloan as a mentor for a student. The board approved accepting sealed bids for the purchase of a piano with a minimum bid set at $2000 through March 7 at 3:00p.m.