“You woke up this morning so, you have to thank God”: Tracy Morgan bonds with Whoopi Goldberg about their brushes with death

ABC/Randy Holmes(NEW YORK) — Both Tracy Morgan, 50, and Whoopi Goldberg, 63, have grappled with near-death experiences within the past five years.

On ABC’s The View, Morgan opened up to Whoopi, who is still recovering from pneumonia, about his outlook on life following his near-fatal accident in 2014.

“You don’t have to have pneumonia. You don’t have to get hit by a truck. You don’t have to get shot. You don’t have to get stabbed,” Morgan said.

“You God forbid lay down in your bed and just not wake up, so your best bet is to just run your race.”

In 2014, a truck on the New Jersey Turnpike struck the bus in which Morgan was riding. The accident left Morgan seriously injured and in a coma for eight days with a traumatic brain injury. His friend, comedian James McNair, didn’t survive the collision.

More recently, Goldberg battled pneumonia that spread to both her lungs, causing sepsis. She was hospitalized and came “very close to leaving the Earth” during her extended absence from the show.

Morgan — who contemplated suicide following the accident — spoke on The View about the deeper meaning of life. “All you can do is love back. That’s all you can do,” he said.

“That’s what we [are] here for… You woke up this morning so you have to thank God, and love each other.”

Prior to Morgan’s interview on Monday, Goldberg revealed she had a 24-hour bug over the weekend that landed her in the hospital again.

“I am here, and I’m much better,” Goldberg said.

“Don’t you leave me,” a worried Morgan said to Goldberg during his interview on the show. “I just get scared. I love Whoopi.”

The two comedians have shared conversations in the past. Morgan said the last piece of advice Goldberg gave him was to “check for red flags” in “whatever relationship” you’re in.

Morgan pointed to his eyes, ears, and nostrils saying, “There’s a reason why they gave you two of these, two of these, two of these, and one of these,” he said pointing to his mouth.

“If you want to learn something about somebody else you gotta learn to be quiet, because they can’t wait to tell you who they are.”

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